Intergroup officers are elected at the end of each calendar year, for service beginning in January. These service commitments are open to any member of the S.L.A.A. fellowship, not only to Intergroup Reps. To ge more detailed information about each position

The Secretary chairs the monthly Intergroup meetings, prepares agendas, distributes materials, and ensures meetings run smoothly and according to protocol.
Current Officer

The Treasurer manages financial accounts, prepares reports, handles donations, and reimburses expenses to keep the financial side of Intergroup running smoothly.
Current Officer
Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees members serve to oversee the affairs of S.L.A.A. Los
Angeles, Inc., a public benefit corporation subject to the provisions of the
California Nonprofit corporation law and the Corporate Bylaws.
Current Officer
Bruce B.
Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees members serve to oversee the affairs of S.L.A.A. Los
Angeles, Inc., a public benefit corporation subject to the provisions of the
California Nonprofit corporation law and the Corporate Bylaws.
Current Officer
Spanish Language Liason

Description coming soon
Current Officer
Speaker List Keeper

The Speaker List Officer maintains and distributes the master speaker list, ensuring meetings have access to speakers and compiling new information as it comes in.
Current Officer
Workshops & Retreats Liason

The Workshops and Retreats Liaison disseminates information about workshops and retreats, invites members to join the committee, and finds speakers for events.
Current Officer
Record Keeper

The Record Keeper takes notes during Intergroup meetings, maintains the minutes, and posts them online with the help of the Webmaster.
Current Officer
Vic F.
Asst. Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer assists the Treasurer with financial tasks, handles donations at meetings, and steps in when the Treasurer is unavailable.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
(H&I) Committee Liaison

The Hospitals & Institutions Committee Liaison acts as a bridge between the committee and Intergroup, keeping everyone informed about committee activities and encouraging member participation.
Current Officer
Journal Representative

The Journal Representative promotes The Journal by encouraging subscriptions and contributions, and distributing flyers to keep the fellowship informed.
Current Officer
Lisa C.
Literature Inventory Manager

The Literature Inventory Administrator orders and manages literature stock, coordinates with the Literature Copier, handles online orders, and ensures the website reflects current inventory.
Current Officer
David H.
Literature Assistant

The Literature Assistant assists the Literature Administrator during meetings, helping to fill orders and handle payments.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
Bottom Line Editor

Maintains master digital files for literature that requires copying. Communicates with the Literature Administrator, copies materials, and brings them to the Intergroup meeting. Keeps receipts for reimbursement.
Current Officer
Literature Copier

Checks voicemail and responds to inquiries. Relays relevant information or directs callers to the website or other service holders.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
Phone Line Monitor

Maintains email account and master lists of Los Angeles meetings. Ensures representatives sign in at meetings and updates information. Follows up with meetings without representatives and responds to inquiries.
Current Officer
No Email Listed
Meeting Registrar

Maintains the email account for virtual meetings and manages related Google Drive documents. Coordinates with the In-Person Meeting Registrar and Webmaster.
Current Officer
Open Position

Manages the S.L.A.A. Los Angeles website and email accounts. Posts updates and maintains communication channels with other S.L.A.A. websites, checks for website errors, and handles disaster recovery.
Current Officer
Matt S.
Webmaster Assistant

Assists the Webmaster in posting content and following up on inquiries. Supports maintaining and updating the website and email communications.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
Annual Business Meeting Delegate
ABM Reps connect Intergroup with the Annual Business Meeting, prepare by reading materials and coordinating travel, and actively participate in committees. They also serve as informational links between F.W.S. and the L.A. area, attending meetings and staying informed on F.W.S. activities.
Current Officer
Jayk G., Alex, Max, Gregory, Nikita, Roberto
No Email Listed
ABM Delegate - Alternate
ABM Alternate Delegates serve a 2-year term with 10 months sobriety at the time of the ABM. They step in as Delegates if needed, attend the ABM, participate in at least one Conference Committee, and act as informational links between F.W.S. and the Los Angeles area. They also attend monthly LA Intergroup meetings.
Current Officer
No Email Listed
FWS Conference Diversity Committee Conduit
The Conduit makes announcements at Intergroup, participates in the F.W.S. Diversity Committee, attends monthly meetings, and recruits people for Fellowship Diversity.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
FWS Conference Steps, Traditions, and Concepts Committee Conduit
The Conduit makes announcements at Intergroup, participates in the F.W.S. Steps, Traditions & Concepts Committee, attends monthly meetings, and recruits members while answering fellowship questions.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
FWS Conference Translation Committee Conduit
The Conduit participates in the translation committee, attends monthly meetings, makes announcements, distributes flyers at Intergroup, and recruits people for translation efforts.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
FWS Conference Sponsorships Committee Conduit
The Conduit announces information from the committee, which provides sponsorship options such as telephone sponsorship and sponsorship phone meetings.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
FWS Conference Literature Committee Conduit
The Conduit makes announcements at Intergroup, participates in the F.W.S. Literature Committee, attends monthly meetings, and recruits people for literature writing groups.
Current Officer
Open Position
No Email Listed
Intergroup Meeting Rep
Serves as the conduit between their meeting groups and Intergroup. Their primary role is to relay important information, updates, and decisions between these entities.
Current Officer
Open to All Meetings