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Board of Trustees
Sobriety Requirements: 2 Years
Time in S.L.A.A. program: 2 years
Total time in service at the levels of Intergroup, (including Group Representatives, L.A. Intergroup Service Positions,Fellowship Wide Services, or Committees: 2 years (time does not have to be consecutive,)
Must attend L.A. Intergroup meetings regularly.
S.L.A.A. Los Angeles, Inc. Board of Trustees serve a 1-year term, and
can be re-elected if they wish to continue service. Elections are held at
the Annual Board Meeting.

Bruce B.
Board of Trustees members serve to oversee the affairs of S.L.A.A. Los
Angeles, Inc., a public benefit corporation subject to the provisions of the
California Nonprofit corporation law and the Corporate Bylaws.
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