Financial Reports & Overview
Intergroup’s income comes primarily from group donations. We also occasionally generate income from workshops, retreats, special collections or other fundraising events. The money then goes to pay our monthly bills like buying literature from F.W.S, printing, phone line, rent, post office, etc. The Treasurer maintains a minimum Prudent Reserve balance of $15,000 to be used in the case of financial hardship
for Intergroup.
• Rent
• Phone Line & P.O. Box
• Office Supplies
• Refreshments at the Intergroup meeting
• Printing (Newcomer packets, pamphlets & Bottom Lines)
• Delegate fund: (used to send delegates to the ABM)
• Meeting Startup Kits
• Literature Reimbursements (Literature is self-sustaining)
• Donation to Fellowship Wide Services.
Annual expenses:
• Sales Tax on literature Sales
• Insurance
• Corporate Filing fees
• Donations to F.W.S.
Pass-through donations from groups
Annual donation from L.A. Intergroup
Los Angeles Intergroup donates annually to F.W.S. for maintaining the F.W.S. Office and supporting its activities. The amount is calculated and paid after Sept. 30, after all ABM expenses have been paid. The amount donated is the surplus cash balance after deducting reserves for H&I, ASL, and the L.A. Intergroup Prudent Reserve of $15,000.