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We hope that you find some hope and inspiration in these pages. Although you may feel afraid to begin this journey to a new life in sobriety, you probably realize that you have no other choice but to try the program of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Remember, even if there aren’t meetings in your area, you are not alone. Many of us have achieved a sane and fulfilling sex and love life through the program of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. You can, too.
The truth is, we feel we are “on to” something big. We don’t know where it will lead us. We just don’t know what the upper limits of healthy human functioning are. In any event, our hunch is that we are but newcomers to this larger experience of living, this wider arena of life. If all we are capable of doing here is to convey to you our sense of hope, and our conviction that a new life of fulfillment, richness and mystery surely awaits you as you move into sobriety, then we are meeting our task.
May each of you, as you embark on this adventure, discover your share of the golden braid; that unfolding wonder of which we are all a part. We are with you. We are all joint travelers on destiny’s path, and we all have much to learn from each other.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, p. 159 © 1986 The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
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