S.L.A.A. Los Angeles
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.
Meeting Registrar
Sobriety Requirements: 6 months sobriety
Maintains email account: registrar@slaalosangeles.org
Maintains Master Lists of Los Angeles meetings:Intergroup Meeting Sign-in sheets listing all meetings (current and new) with I.G. Reps’ contact information. (For private use – not published.)
Meeting list in Google Docs Spreadsheet – for making PDF document for printing in The Bottom Line newsletter and to be downloadable from the website.
Brings sign-in sheets to monthly Intergroup meetings, and provides digital sign-in for virtual attendees.
Ensures that each Representative has signed in at the meeting to review their information & meetings details, and corrected/updated if needed.
Follows up with meetings who do not send representatives or substitutes after several meetings in a row, to keep lists current.
Responds to any inquiries regarding current status of meetings.
Updates lists with any new information received during and between Intergroup meetings.
Open Position