S.L.A.A. Los Angeles
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.
Question of the day!
Be a part of The Journal! In every issue The Journal asks a question. Submit your answer for the “Question of the Day” and it might be chosen for publication in the next issue. Writing a story about S.L.A.A. recovery can be a healing experience for you, a meaningful experience for others in the Fellowship, and an attraction for suffering sex and love addicts to our program.
The Journal Bi-monthly Publication
Experience S.L.A.A.’s "meeting in print"! The Journal is a bi-monthly publication prepared by members of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, and distributed by S.L.A.A. Fellowship Wide Services (F.W.S.) in San Antonio, TX.
This valuable recovery tool offers personal stories, writings on important recovery topics, poetry and humor, as well as Fellowship announcements and event listings. Writings are submitted by members and others interested in sex and love addiction. Issues of The Journal are mailed to you in a sealed envelope displaying only the “mail to” information and our return address.
Submit to The Journal
To send your share via mail:
The Journal
Fellowship-Wide Services
1550 NE Loop 410, Ste 118
San Antonio, TX 78209
Any length creative contribution will be considered
it is preferred they be between 500 and 2,000 words (approximately two, double spaced pages, typewritten).
When referring to the S.L.A.A. “Basic Text”, it is helpful to include page numbers.
Please indicate how you wish your creative contribution to be signed, such as "John S., New York, NY" or "Anonymous" or some form of these examples.
​Contributors waive their rights to compensation in association with their written response and grant full copyrightto The Augustine Fellowship, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.
The Journal Audiobook MP3 Downloads
The Journal audiobooks are here! Get your meeting in a magazine on the go! Listen to messages of recovery while jogging, sitting in traffic or on an airplane. The Journal back issues are on mp3.
Go to the online store today and download instantly! Only $2.50!
FWS Journal Archives
Fellowship Wide Services has added an archive of past The Journal Issues (70 plus) you can access these PDFs here
Single Journal Issues
The LA Intergroup has two subscriptions to The Journal, and those 2 copies of each issue are available for purchase by individuals or meetings. Please come to the monthly Intergroup meeting (or send your meeting’s Intergroup Rep), and ask at the literature table. You can also find out more about Intergroup meetings here.
Journal Flyer
Join other S.L.A.A fellows on the anonymous Journal Newsletter email list by email our journal rep
The Journal Newsletter sends out monthly emails about how you can help the Journal:
Question of the day flyers with deadlines for submissions
Call for article submissions on various topics